The Oakridge Estate Park
Has Opened!
On December 10, 2018, a long awaited ribbon cutting event was held at the new Oakridge Estate Park at 18650 Devonshire Street in Northridge. City officials participating in the event included: Councilmember Mitchell Englander, Sylvia Patsaouras – President, Board of Recreation and Parks Commissioners, Gary Moore – Bureau of Engineering, Mike Shull - General Manager Department of Recreation and Parks, Councilmember Greig Smith (Select), Neil Drucker –Interim Division Head /Program Manager Prop K –LA for Kids, community members and members of Friends of Oakridge. The eight acre park is adjacent to the L A City Historic-Cultural Monument (#484). A new fence separates the residence from the park with its 128 new trees, 12 picnic tables, unique playground equipment, small amphitheatre with log benches, meandering, sloped .3 mile walking trail and a fenced detention basin for water collection. The park has a meadow like atmosphere, which is inviting and peaceful. Area children will especially enjoy the bright green, bouncy tractor and the mare and foal sculpture.
Several years were spent gathering community input before the $1.3 Million Prop K funds were approved and allocated. The park design work was done by BOE under the direction of Gary Lee Moore, LA City Engineer. Construction of the park began in November 2017. Drone aerials of the construction process are posted to the Friends of Oakridge website. The LA City Department of Recreation and Parks will manage and maintain the park.
The park hours will be sunrise to sunset, seven days a week. So, please put on your walking shoes, pack a picnic lunch and visit the new park with your family and friends!

Construction Progression - All photos © Shel Mosk:
Looking South from Devonshire to Lemarsh
Looking North from Lemarsh to Devonshire

June 2018
June 2018