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Jack Oakie the Oakridge Estate Barbara Stanwcyk Marwyck Ranch

Friends of Oakridge is an entirely volunteer organization.  Our programming can only happen with our talented team of community volunteers.  Our volunteers bring many skills and experiences. Please consider contributing your time to support our efforts.  We are currently recruiting volunteers to be trained as as docents and greeters for our events. Our programming is expanding to include films and lectures. Maybe docenting is not for you.  Many skills will be needed for Oakridge to shine. Please call Debra at (818) 739-0292, ext. 2 if you have questions.  Or Tell Us About Yourself using the button above, and we will contact you. 

Meet our docents/volunteers - while we no longer wash windows and floors before events, we do wear many hats

The Oakridge Estate - 18650 Devonshire St. 
Northridge, CA 91324


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