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Help Bring the Oaks Back to Oakridge

         Friends is pleased to announce the installation of our first oak tree.  Thanks to the generous donations of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the Northridge West, Chatsworth and Porter Ranch Neighborhood Councils, community supporters and the friends and family of Barbara Stanwyck, a fifteen-foot tall California Live Oak now shades the circular stone planter directly in front of the Oakridge residence. A newly installed irrigation system will ensure that the tree thrives for generations to come.

     Plans are in place to dedicate the oak to Stephen Harris, past President of Friends of Oakridge, who recently passed away. Steve’s passion for the rehabilitation and preservation of the Oakridge Estate will be remembered with the placement of a bronze plaque in his honor.

    Other improvements at the entrance to the residence include replacement of the missing areas of boxwood hedge and the additiona of dwarf bottlebrush shrubs in both the circular planter and at the edge of the driveway.  In addition to servicing these areas, the new bubbler-based irrigation system has also been extended to water the mature olive and oak trees that frame the front of the home.  We  can now rest assured that these two majestic specimens will receive the care they deserve for surviving the past eighty years.

    Friends wish to express our most sincere appreciation to all who have contributed to this inaugural project.   Thanks to you, we have surpassed the half=way mark towards our goal of $20,000! 

    The “Help Bring the Oaks Back to Oakridge” campaign continues to raise funds to replace the two original oaks lost to drought and disease at the rear of the residence. We are now appealing to the rest of you to help us hit our target.  There is still time to make a difference.

    Please join us in our efforts to realize Steve’s vision of returning the former beauty to this historic-cultural landmark.  Donations can be mailed to Friends of Oakridge, P.O. Box #33973, Chatsworth, CA  91311 or online below.

    We thank you for your ongoing support.


Why Donate to Oakridge?

With construction of the Oakridge Estate Park underway, Friends is excited to launch our First Fundraising Campaign. The goal is to replace the three significant oak trees original to the front and rear of the residence with three substantial California Live Oaks. Plans also call for an irrigation system and replanting shrubbery and groundcover surrounding the home. Replacing the peaceful shade trees and “adding green” to the Oakridge grounds will create a more aesthetically appealing and welcoming venue for major fundraising events to be hosted by Friends of Oakridge.

The mission of Friends is to raise funds for the rehabilitation of the Stanwyck/Oakie house and grounds in partnership with the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks. Did you know there are no City public funds allocated for the renovation of the residence and the grounds immediately surrounding it? Please assist us in our efforts to bring a greatly needed destination for cultural activities and events to the San Fernando Valley.

Front Yard Planter  with newly planted Oak Tree and irrigation system

Rear Yard Planter

BEFORE          2017 - Shel Mosk

AFTER    June 2018

2017 - Shel Mosk

2013 - Marcia Heacox

Your contribution is tax deductible - Federal Tax ID #45-1626582. Checks made payable to

Friends of Oakridge/Oaks may be mailed to P.O. Box 3970, Chatsworth, CA 91311.

Your continued support is greatly appreciated - Greig Smith, President

Friends Of Oakridge

The Oakridge Estate - 18650 Devonshire St. 
Northridge, CA 91324


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